American Reunion (2012) - GOOD MOVIE
Throughout the years the American Pie franchise has dished out several
sequels and spin offs. Most of these films were entertaining, but
failed to compare with the original. After a while it became evident
that the franchise was concerned with prolonging the inevitable fading
of the original title. This is where American Reunion differed from all
the rest.
American Reunion serves as a stand alone film, worthy of its accolades.
This film was able to bridge the gap back to the first film, while
borrowing and indirectly implying to the events that occurred in the
previous sequels; all while remaining its own film. It was pleasing to see the original characters, as well as, other minor
roles that made the films memorable. American Reunion is, as its title
implies, a reunion with a lost art. The teen comedy at its finest.
Overall, it was like reuniting with old friends and picking up where
you last left off. It is worth watching, even if you haven't seen the